In a blog on this site back in September,, Chris Lee expressed an understandable dismay at the prices of briars being offered for sale on Chinese sites, amounts which appeared to reflect a 300% markup. In thoughtful reply, Warren Wiguto speculated that those figures might well reflect a combination of market availability, as well as the allure of the “exotic, rare or luxurious”. Reading Mr Lee’s blog, I felt a weight rise from my shoulders. Finally, someone started a dialog on a subject that many are aware of, but no one seemed to want to discuss, and Warren’s hypothesis is undoubtedly part of the equation. For a few years I have studied the Chinese pipe market, mainly concentrating on the trail of the product from the source, and the subsequent pricing at the end. So, how do the briars get there, and why is the end user paying what seems to be an exorbitant tribute? Here’s the skinny. Read more